Shannon Oleson

Shannon Oleson Wedding Photographer
Primary and lifestyle photographer specializing in weddings, receptions, engagements, and bachelorette parties.

“Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.” ― John Muir

My mom would say, “I’m not paying to air-condition the outside” and then promptly kick us kids out of the house and lock the door. It was the 1970s *shrug* and really, I wanted to be outside anyway. At least I didn’t have to do the dishes or vacuum. So, I grew up in the dirt of rural Idaho and Alaska riding bicycles, chasing critters, avoiding kidnappers and household chores. 

I love the dirt, I do, however I don’t like the cold. I ended up in Las Vegas after I retired from the Alaska Air National Guard in 2013. It’s not cold here. Well, sometimes it’s sort of cold. It’s not the same, though, as Alaska. I like it here and there is some neat dirt here too. 

Anyway, the Guard trained me as a graphic designer, photographer, and journalist. But I’ve been an artist all my life – more than 50 years and photography has been a serious part of my life for nearly 25 years. 

At heart, though I am a lifestyle photographer. I see “photographs” everywhere, all the time, wherever I go. I love capturing moments – encapsulating the present for future times to allow us to reflect on our past. 

I got a groovy gig, man. 

Shannon's Portfolio